Terms of use

You agree that these Terms of Use are supported by good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which you hereby acknowledge. Such consideration includes, without limitation, your use of the Website and the materials and information available on the same. In addition to these Terms of Use, Architects’ Norms has established a Privacy Policy to explain how user information is collected and used by Architects’ Norms. A copy of this Privacy Policy can be found here, and is incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use. By accessing or using the Website, you are signifying your acknowledgement and agreement to Architects’ Norms Privacy Policy.


The Website and included content (and any derivative works or enhancements of the same) including, but not limited to, all text, illustrations, files, images, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, information, content, materials, products, services, URLs, technology, documentation, and interactive features (collectively, the “Website Content”) and all intellectual property rights to the same are owned by us, our licensors, or both. Additionally, all trademarks, service marks, trade names and trade dress that may appear on the Website are owned by us, our licensors, or both. Except for the limited use rights granted to you in these Terms of Use, you shall not acquire any right, title or interest in the Website or any Website Content. Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use are expressly reserved.


1. Access to the Website including, without limitation, the Website Content is provided for your information and personal, non-commercial use only. When using the Website, you agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws including, without limitation copyright law. Except as expressly permitted in these Terms of Use, you may not use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works based upon, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, transmit, or otherwise exploit Website Content for any purpose whatsoever without obtaining prior written consent from us or, in the case of third-party content, its respective owner. In certain instances, we may permit you to download or print Website Content or both. In such a case, you may download or print (as applicable) one copy of Website Content for your personal, non-commercial use only. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading or printing Website Content.
2. Furthermore, except as expressly permitted in these Terms of Use, you may not:
• 1. remove, alter, cover, or distort any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notice on the Website or Website Content;
• 2. circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Website including, without limitation, any features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on the use of the Website or Website Content;
• 3. use an automatic device (such as a robot or spider) or manual process to copy or “scrape” the Website or Website Content for any purpose without the express written permission of Architects’ Norms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Architects’ Norms grants public search engine operators permission to use automatic devices (such as robots or spiders) to copy Website Content from the Website for the sole purpose of creating (and only to the extent necessary to create) a searchable index of Website Content that is available to the public. We reserve the right to revoke this permission (generally or specifically) at any time;
• 4. collect or harvest any personally identifiable information from the Website including, without limitation, user names, passwords, email addresses;
• 5. solicit other users to join or become members of any commercial online service or other organization without our prior written approval;
• 6. attempt to or interfere with the proper working of the Website or impair, overburden, or disable the same;
• 7. decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble any portion of any the Website;
• 8. use network-monitoring software to determine architecture of or extract usage data from the Website;
• 9. encourage conduct that violates any local, state or federal law, either civil or criminal, or impersonate another user, person, or entity (e.g., using another person’s Membership (as defined in Section 5(B)) without permission, etc.);
• 10. engage in any conduct that restricts or inhibits any other user from using or enjoying the Website.
3. You agree to cooperate fully with Architects’ Norms to investigate any suspected or actual activity that is in breach of these Terms of Use.


We hereby grant you a non-exclusive, limited license, revocable at our discretion, for you to link to the Website home page from any site you own or control that is not commercially competitive with the Website and does not criticize or otherwise injure us, so long as the site where the link resides, and all other locations to which such site links, comply with all applicable laws and do not in any way abuse, defame, stalk, threaten or violate the rights of privacy, publicity, intellectual property or other legal rights of others or, in any way, post, publish, distribute, disseminate or facilitate any inappropriate, infringing, defamatory, profane, indecent, obscene or illegal/unlawful information, topic, name or other material or that violates the spirit of our mission. Such a link is not an endorsement of such other site(s) by us. All of our rights and remedies are expressly reserved.


1. We provide the Website including, without limitation Website Content for entertainment, educational and promotional purposes only. You may not rely on any information and opinions expressed on any of our Website for any other purpose. In all instances, it is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or usefulness of Website Content. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on any Website Content.
2. In many instances, Website Content will include content posted by a third-party or will represent the opinions and judgments of a third-party. We do not endorse, warrant and are not responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made on the Website by anyone other than authorized employees or spokespersons while acting in their official capacities.
3. If there is a dispute between persons accessing the Website or between persons accessing the Website and any third party, you understand and agree that we are under no obligation to become involved. If there is such a dispute, you hereby release Architects’ Norms and its officers, directors, employees, parents, partners, successors, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and their related companies from claims, demands, and damages of every kind or nature arising out of, relating to, or in any way connected with such dispute.
4. The Website may contain links to other websites maintained by third parties. We do not operate or control, in any respect, or necessarily endorse the content found on these third-party websites. You assume sole responsibility for your use of third-party links. We are not responsible for any content posted on third-party websites or liable to you for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of your dealings with any third-party or their website.
5. The materials appearing on Architects’ Norms website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Architects’ Norms does not warrant that any of the materials on its website are accurate, complete or current. Architects’ Norms may make changes to the materials contained on its website at any time without notice. However Architects’ Norms does not make any commitment to update the materials.
6. Minimum age
No one under 16 is allowed to create an account in our site.
7. Modifications
Architects’ Norms may revise these terms of service for its website at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms of service.
8. Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Lebanon/Cyprus and your goodselves